Friday, September 14, 2012

The Splendor of Clouds and Sky

I think I've mentioned before how much I love to take pictures, and how I keep asking Santa to bring me a really good camera for Christmas. I guess he actually does know if I'm good or bad, because it's been three years now, and I still haven't gotten one! Oh well. I can make do with my cheapie camera until the real thing comes along. La Di Da...La Di Da....

Below are some of my favorite clouds photos

These first two were taken from my front porch. Beautiful dark clouds along with the sunset.

The next two were taken from my deck. I don't know why, but that afternoon, these white, puffy clouds were bright white, so bright they hurt my eyes to look at them very long.

I thought these next two were so unique, like pulled taffy, or paint strokes.

Dark, ominous clouds but nothing developed. The first one looks like the Loch Ness Monster is on the left. I love the second one because it appears as if there are dark mountains behind the houses, and weird clouds above them. 

This is one of my favorites. I took it from my window seat in an airplane .

This was just a few days ago. It was after some storms and the sky was this gorgeous color of violet and the street reflected it, too, just as it shows. It was unbelievable.  

Last, this picture is from tonight. I was on the deck with The Ronald and Vern. It was close to sunset and I walked over to the edge and saw these clouds, ran into the house, grabbed my camera, and took this. 

"You must not blame me if I do talk to the clouds." -- Henry David Thoreau